Saturday, August 8, 2009


The war has begun, the Ministry has been distributing leaflets warning people to turn in anyone speaking negatively about their new plan to round up muggle-bourns and report their names and their links to subversive groups. Led by professor Umbrige, a lack lust, x-professor for Hogwarts School, the Ministry has charged forward with the Muggle Bourn Registration Act. After rounding up such individuals, it is up to the Ministry where their loyalties lie.
Strangely enough, this plot to the last Harry Potter book cuts far too close to home. In a statement to the American people, our Fearless Leader is telling us that we need to report anyone out there talking bad on his blunderous health care plan. To say that Obama is making a mockery of America isn’t quite strong enough. Most highly ranking Democrats are telling everyone that these groups, these people who show up at the Obama’s town hall meetings are simply Republican, right wing extremists. They are certain that the Republican Party has called thousands of people and told them to show up and protest. The more people know about Obama’s Heath-ruining plan, the more they are opposed to it. So, I challenge anyone who reads this to challenge our Fuhrer, and destroy this heal care monstrosity before it takes flight.

Carl Marx said that the only way to have a legitimate Communist society is to start with a Capitalist society, transition into socialism and end with communism. We are well on our way and at the helm of our sinking ship is Obama. Perhaps a mutiny is called for?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

17 Again

Everyone should see this movie. I don’t much care for the little Efron guy but this movie was very good. It gave a great image of the relationship of an out of touch father and his children. Go and see it….Worth the money, worth your time.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Revolution for Christ

Christmas time is here. The bells are ringing, the holly is hung. Lord knows me and my mother and I have gotten down our hundreds of boxes; and decked each surface of our house with garland, ornaments and whatever else we have. But I must pause from this sensational season and deviate slightly into its real meaning. Many have signs, bumper stickers and proclamation that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” This is, of course, true. However, I do take issue with many of these signs. I am not attacking those who fly the “Jesus is the reason,” signs. More, I am afraid this banner has been tarnished. Why do we need a season to focus on Jesus? Jesus is omnipresent, all knowing and influential. There is an epic battle between good and evil on this earth. America is rapidly splitting in two; with Christians and other God faring people on one side, and everyone else on the other.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a revolution is coming. The world goes through phases. Today, we are in need of a charismatic Christian leader to put a new face on Christianity itself. The days of the Vatican are dead. The days of the church are dead. The days of the Evangelicals are dead. It is necessary to forge a new spire of Christianity, one which is free of the stigma of child abusing priests, one what is free of corrupt churches stealing money from their congregation, one free of the hate associated with the Christen church. Tough times are ahead, who will you follow? We have reached a day where we can no longer count on our leaders for strength and protection. We need to count on ourselves. Strong leaders are only as strong as their supporters. Stand up and untie, bind together, share your beliefs, share morality to a new generation of people who are compassionate about everyone, rich, poor, black, white. Today is a day to reckoning, a day when you can either fade into the boundless chasm of indecision or stand up and let your voice be heard. Jesus is the reason, not just for the season, but the reason for life. I ask everyone now; live your life for the positive elements of Christianity. Live for the good and the honest, the moral and the caring, the true and the powerless. It is time to choose, time to stand, time to break free of stigma and evil, break free of lies and misinformation. Rise above leaders; we are only strong when we are together. Unite. We are the United States of America. Unite. Lead by example in your own life; people will follow. Be silent leaders, join the revolution. Silence for Christ. Words will be forgotten, speech shall be silenced, and voices will be quashed. ACTIONS never die. What you DO matters. DO good, and DO it for Christ. People will follow. Join the revolution; the revolution for Christ.

Monday, December 8, 2008


"A recession is when your neighbor losses his job. A depression is when you lose your job. Recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his!"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A-twitter About Twilight!

I don't know if it was the hundreds of girls screaming every time Edward, (The Lead Vampire Guy) came onto the screen; or perhaps it was the fact that I was so ready for a new and exciting movie; either way, Twilight Delivered. The lamps dimmed and the stage was set. First, we were greeted with the new trailer for J.J. Abrams Star Trek. This of course was incredible. After a few flashing trailers, the lights went out completely and the tumult of females screaming filled the cramped and crowded theater. It was like Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings but hundred times more energetic.

At first, I didn't understand the infatuation. I didn't understand why this story was so compelling. I still don't but apparently, Edward is such a seductive character he somehow leapt off the page and had come to rest in the heart of every bubbling little girl. In short, it was an experience. I know this is a little late as the movie has been out for a while, but I am entering finals and haven't had time.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Grown-up Christmas List


The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Hardcover Amazon Edition $100 only offered by

Twilight, the first book in the series, Hardback

The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, Hardback

Angels and Demons, Dan Brown, Hardback

Harry Potter, Any of the first six, Hardback


I-Pod Alarm Docking Station, Wal-mart, (I will add exactly which one)